Title I
What is a Title I Targeted Assistance School?
The term "targeted assistance" signifies that the services are provided to a select group of
children -- those identified as failing, or most at risk of failing; the goal of a targeted assistance
school is to improve teaching and learning to enable participants to meet the challenging State
performance standards that all children are expected to master. To accomplish this goal, a
targeted assistance program must be based on effective means for improving achievement of
participating children; use effective instructional strategies that give primary consideration to
extended-time strategies, provide accelerated, high-quality curricula, and minimize removing
children from the regular classroom during regular school hours; coordinate with and support the
regular education program; provide instruction by highly-qualified and trained professional staff;
and implement strategies to increase parental involvement.
A targeted assistance school differs from a schoolwide program school in several significant
• Funds may be used in targeted assistance schools only for programs that provide services
to eligible children identified as having the greatest need for special assistance.
• Funds must be used for services that supplement, and do not supplant, the services that
would be provided, in the absence of the funds, from non-Federal sources.
• Records must be maintained that document that funds are spent on activities and services
for only participating students.
Essential Components of Targeted Assistance Programs
Title I has a clear goal--enabling participating children to achieve to challenging State content
and performance standards. To meet this goal, section 1115(c) requires that each targeted assistance program include certain components that research suggests are essential to any high-functioning program.
Under Section 1115(c), a targeted assistance program includes the following 8 components. It must--
1. Use resources to help participating children meet the State's student performance standards expected for all children.
In order to do this, programs must:
2. Be based on effective means for improving achievement of children.
3. Ensure that planning for participating students is incorporated into existing school planning.
4. Use effective instructional strategies that--
• Give primary consideration to providing extended learning time such as an extended
school year, before- and after-school, and summer programs and opportunities.
• Help provide an accelerated, high-quality curriculum.
• Minimize removing children from the regular classroom during regular school hours for
Title I instruction.
5. Coordinate with and support the regular education program, which may include--
• Counseling, mentoring, and other pupil services.
• College and career awareness and preparation.
• Services to prepare students for the transition from school to work.
• Services to assist preschool children's transition to elementary school.
6. Provide instruction by highly qualified staff.
7. Provide professional development opportunities with Title I resources, and other resources,
to the extent feasible, for administrators, teachers, and other school staff who work with
participating children.
8. Provide strategies to increase parental involvement, such as family literacy services.