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Box Tops for Education®

Earn more cash to help Robinson get what it needs through the Box Tops for Education® app. Turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school. The app is free and as easy as 1-2-3. Look for our school name, GEORGE R ROBINSON ELEMENTARY.

Here’s how it works:

  1. BUY. Pick the offers you like and purchase at any store. Just make sure the receipt clearly states what you purchased.
  2. SCAN. Use the app to take a clear, readable photo of your receipt.
  3. EARN. When your receipt is processed, the information on the My Activity Page of the app will reflect the amount earned by your school.

You can earn Bonus Box Tops in the Box Tops Bonus App in combination with the on-pack Box Tops clip and any other coupon , discount or promotion. Download the app today through the apple App Store Or on Google play! 


Amazon Smile

Make all of your Amazon purchases from AmazonSmile and a portion of eligible purchases will go to Robinson. Please look at the flier for more information: