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Afternoon Dismissal



After School Dismissal 

Your student’s safety is paramount to us and we made some significant changes to our after school dismissal in order to be more proactive at this historically “busy” time.

Bus Riders and Adventure Club participants

  • Dismissal will start at our published dismissal time of 3:40 and will proceed as follows:
  • Car Pick Ups will be called to the gym for dismissal
  • Adventure Club will be called to the cafeteria
  • Busses will be dismissed from their classrooms in the order they have arrived.


  • AFTER busses have departed, we will call walkers to exit.  
  • Walkers will meet their parents, or walking group, in the Outdoor Learning Center.  It is important to us that busses are off of the driveway before we send students who are walking.
  • In addition, thank you for not bringing your pets to dismissal.

Car Riders

  • DRIVERS ~ pull in the NORTH DRIVEWAY (IE at Rose Hill & Couch)
  • Drive around the back of the building, onto the playground.
  • Pull all the way around to the side of the gym. 
  • We will park you in rows of 5.
  • We will bring students outside from the gym
  • Please do not wave them over; we will dismiss kids to cars.
  • We will load cars.
  • Please remain in your car.
  • Please click on this Afternoon Dismissal Video link to see a 2 minute video of our car pick up process.

Please help us out by:

  • Staying in your car
  • No texting or cell phones
  • Making a sign with your riders names and place in your window.
  • Helping your student learn to buckle up quickly.
  • Exit at our direction, up the SOUTH driveway.
  • Until we get to know your cars, have your window down so you can tell us who you are picking up.
  • Depending on traffic, we may make two lines.

 It is very important that your child knows if he or she is a car rider vs. a walker.  Please help with consistent routines .


As you pull forward, you will move to the RIGHT side of the driveway to turn RIGHT onto COUCH, and the LEFT side if you are turning LEFT onto COUCH.